We are delighted to award 13 small grants as part of our paper incubator, which is a systemized and sponsored mentorship program designed to help junior and mid-career philosophers and scholars of Indian studies to develop submitted papers proposals into publishable articles (junior and mid-career scholars are those who are pursuing a PhD or have completed they PhD in the last 6 years). Each selected researcher will work in cooperation with a tutor (a member of our team), who will help the candidate transform their text into a high-quality publishable article. Philosophy researchers will be tutored by an India studies scholar; Indian studies researchers will be tutored by a philosopher. Each successful applicant will receive a grant of $ 3,000. They will have 18 months to write their article, which must be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal. By the end of the nineth month there will be a set of virtual meetings with all researchers and tutors where each researcher will present their work. Besides, each researcher must present their work in at least one of our conferences.

Lucas Nascimento Machado (University of São Paulo, Brazil): Non-Intentional Consciousness and Cosmopanpsychism: The concept of God and its identification between being and consciousness in the Upaniṣads and in the Bhagavad-Gītā
S Siddharth (Sai University, India): The One and the Many in Viśiṣṭādvaita and Analytic Cosmopsychism
Akshay Gupta (Independent scholar): Defending the Bhagavad Gītā’s Theory of Consciousness
Jinesh R. Sheth (University of Birmingham, UK): Denying the Binaries of Theism and Atheism: A Jaina Paradigm of God
Shubham Solanki (Indian Institute of Technology, India): Cosmopsychism and Kashmirian Śaivism: Tracing the transition from infinite to finite consciousness
Veronica Benjamin (Independent scholar affiliated with Ishvar Parvat Samvidālaya Library, India): Divine Consciousness as Linguistic Consciousness: The Trika Śaiva adaptation of Bhartṛhari’s levels of language as they relate to divine potency, union, and revelation
Klara Margareta Agnes Hedling (University of New Mexico, USA): Śiva’s Creative Pulsation: A Śaiva Understanding of Consciousness and Matter
Helio Fernando Rodrigues Silva (Federal University Fluminense, Brazil): Phenomenal consciousness in samadhi: conscious ecstasy
Gustavo Oliva de Oliveira (University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil): Gītā-inspired panentheistic cosmopsychism
Shivanand Sharma (University of Birmingham, UK): The Vaiṣṇava Vedānta approach to subjective awareness
Daniel Rodrigues Braz (Federal University of ABC, Brazil): The liberating search for the thing in itself: understanding Brahman as God and consciousness according to Paul Deussen's exposition of Advaita Vedānta
Martha Eleonora Jurkiewicz Leiros Rumbelsperger (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): From Shadows to Light: Possible articulations between the Myth of the Cave by Plato and the Bhagavad Gītā.
Gabriel Reis de Oliveira (Saint Louis University, USA): Divine Embodiment: Understanding the Eucharist and Arcavatara Through Metaphysical Frameworks

Submission (closed)
Proposals must be written in English in the form of a blinded extended abstract of a maximum of 2,000 words, clearly describing (1) the problem that will be addressed, (2) the context in which the problem has been approached (preferably through a brief literary review), (3) the goal of the paper, (4) the way the proponent wants to achieve this goal, and (5) containing the relevant bibliography. The general intended philosophical approach must be analytical. Proposals must address some of the questions and general goals of the project (for a more detailed account click here). Applicants must be PhD candidates, or have completed their PhD within a maximum of 6 years. We welcome proposals both from philosophers and Indian Studies scholars. The proposal must be sent along with a summarized CV of the applicant to by January 5, 2024. The list of selected proposals will be posted here on January 15, 2024.